Thursday, August 5, 2010


I made it!!!!!!! I had my doubts about reaching the finishing line, but I persevered and did it. It has been quite an adventure. I've learned new things about technology that I had no idea even existed.
My favorite tools were Bookmarks, Digital Storytelling and the iTouch Apps.
Going through this process has given me new ways of integrating new technology in the classroom that will help me in teaching and reinforcing skills taught and also in helping my students can gain new technology skills that will better prepare them to succeed in the future.
The unexpected outcome was the surprize that I could actually navigate through this, though sometimes I had to ask for help.


  1. Congrats! I look forward to seeing how you and your students use the devices this school year. And know there are always people ready to help!

  2. YYEEEAAAHHH!!!! You crossed the finish line. Just like you, there were so many things I didn't know I could do. But I'm glad you made it. Now don't forget to take the assessment on atomic learning, ohhh and it's not for a grade. Have a great week. See you soon!!
